The COMMS Development Plan

Professional development provides the path to personal satisfaction and career success.

For communication professionals, it can be the difference between creating an impact or feeling like you are sending the same messages without much success.

Introducing a new approach to your development planning

A lot has changed in the communication industry over the past few years. As a result, I’ve been comprehensively revising the personal development guide into a full resource.  Now covering all communication professionals, the guide draws on the COMMS method to help you establish your development plan wherever you are in your career.

Read the first chapter now for free

For your free copy of the Introduction to the new guide, please sign up here. You’ll get an 11 page ebook that sets the context for your development journey including a self-reflection template along with early access to the full guide when it’s published in 2024.

To discover how to make your plan a bridge to your career success, download the guide, or get in touch.